Make Your Money Matter: Support Your Cause, and Help People In Need

So you're going to donate to a political campaign? You're doing a great, selfless deed. You're giving your own money to help what you believe is right.

Unfortunately, there are other good people who will be donating to the opposing side. They're also being selfless, but they have a different belief about what's right. So the efforts of good people are canceling each other out.

If you donate $100 to your cause, and someone else donates $90 to the opposition, the net effect is about the same as if you'd donated $10, and they'd donated nothing. What one side gains, the other side loses. It's like their $90 canceled out yours. Only the leftover $10 mattered. Money is going to waste. More precisely, it's not being spent as usefully as it could be; it's being spent on dueling commercials and extra lobbyists, when it could be spent on making people's lives better in ways that everyone can agree on. Things like preventing diseases, or supporting local businesses in the areas that need it the most.

This year, most people who donate money in 2012 will donate directly to groups associated with the two major parties. No matter what, Republicans and Democrats will have lots of funding to get their message out. If they each got 10% less, they'd still be able to run a massive national campaign. America can afford to spend a little less money on politics.

You don't need to choose between donating to a campaign, and donating to charity. Donate to your cause through this site, and we'll take the part that would be canceled out and donate it to charity instead. You'll be supporting your cause just as much as if you donated directly, and you'll be supporting charity.

You're a good person. Now make your money matter.